Two Heads are Better Than One- The Amazing Life Of Conjoined Twins

by Unbelievable Facts11 years ago
Picture Two Heads are Better Than One- The Amazing Life Of Conjoined Twins

Abigail and Brittany Hensel, conjoined twins from Minnesota, have faced significant challenges throughout their lives. However, the tides have now turned in their favor.

Initially, doctors doubted the twins’ survival after their birth. Defying those early predictions, the twins have celebrated over 23 years of life. These remarkable young women, who share one body, were featured in a show titled “Abby and Brittany.” The program explored the lives of the Hensel twins, providing insight into their unique journey.

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Abby and Brittany were born on March 7, 1990, in Minnesota, US. Their parents regard them as exceptionally special children, as these twins are among the rarest set of dicephalus twins to have survived infancy. Statistically, one in every 40,000 twins is born conjoined to their sibling, and only 1 percent of these twins live beyond their first year. The doctors warned their parents, Patty, a registered nurse, and Mike, a carpenter and landscaper, that their daughters might not survive for long. However, Abby and Brittany defied these predictions.

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The Hensel twins resulted from a fertilized egg that failed to separate completely within the womb. They possess two hearts, two spines that join at the pelvis, four lungs, two esophagi, three kidneys, a single ribcage, one liver, a partially shared nervous system, and a shared circulatory system. Below the waist, they share all organs, including the reproductive system, intestines, and bladder. Abigail, the right twin, cannot feel anything on the left side of her body, while Brittany, the left twin, cannot feel anything on her right side. Nevertheless, the twins coordinate seamlessly, whether typing emails, playing the piano, or engaging in their favorite sports like bowling, volleyball, cycling, softball, and swimming. They were born with three arms, but one arm was surgically removed shortly after their birth. Despite undergoing several surgeries, the twins have maintained good health.

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The twins attended a private church school. At the age of six, they appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show and on the cover of Life magazine. After that, they began leading a normal, private life with their family until their 16th birthday. On their 16th birthday, the girls were filmed for a documentary by TLC. They also passed their driving test on the same day. They drive with ease, each twin controlling the steering wheel with one arm. However, their mother wondered who would receive a driving ticket if they were ever caught speeding.

Mike and Patty have always encouraged their daughters to develop their individuality. Despite having different likes, sleeping patterns, and appetites, the girls coordinate seamlessly to function as a single entity. Their clothing is specially ordered to accommodate their unique preferences, featuring different necklines, leggings of different colors for each leg, and distinct shoes for each foot to reflect their individual tastes.


The parents never considered having the twins separated; the thought of potentially losing one or facing a lifetime of physical disability for either was unbearable. They have always treated them as separate individuals and instilled the same understanding in them. Patty shared that when children ask the twins if they have two heads, they respond that they do not, but each has her own head, emphasizing the individuality they’ve been encouraged to develop.

They purchase separate movie tickets, meals, and birthday cakes to celebrate their distinct identities. Furthermore, they are careful to address the correct twin when disciplining, ensuring they acknowledge their individual actions and responsibilities.

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The two girls rarely argue. They share meals using separate plates, with one holding the fork and the other wielding the knife to cut the food. They take turns feeding each other. When one cannot reach an itch, the other is always there to help. Brittany has battled pneumonia twice, and Abigail, known for her stubbornness, has always been there to support Brittany through these challenging times.


The twins have never expressed a desire to separate from each other, except once when Brittany was suffering from pneumonia for the first time during their childhood. Abigail, tired of staying in bed, mentioned wanting to be separated, which made Brittany cry. Abigail then promised Brittany that they would never part. The sisters share a deep bond, but there’s curiosity about how their relationship would navigate situations like falling in love, especially if one dislikes the other’s choice.

Three years ago, rumors circulated that Brittany was engaged, sparking further speculation about their future. Since they share one reproductive system, questions about the possibility of them having children have also arisen. Their father, Mike, holds an optimistic view, believing that his daughters will get married someday.

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Picture Two Heads are Better Than One- The Amazing Life Of Conjoined Twins
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