15 Facts About Love You Shouldn’t Miss, If You Have Ever Been In Love!

by Maanya Sachdeva9 years ago

11 New-Age Dating FTW – 23% of couples who meet online end up getting married.

Online Dating
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If research conducted by the Pew Research Centre is to be believed, online dating is fast becoming one of the most popular ways to meet someone, in America.(source)

*jumps on Tinder bandwagon*

12 Once in a secure relationship, a woman’s sex drive begins to plummet. 

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This is a classic example of the whole ‘Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus’ phenomenon. The researchers at Hamburg-Eppendorf University Hospital interviewed 530 men and women to understand how the desire for regular sex changes in long-term relationships, for both men and women.

They discovered that 60% of thirty-year-old women wanted sex ‘often’ at the beginning of a relationship, but within four years of the relationship, the number fell to under 50% and, after 20 years, to about 20%. On the other hand, they found that 60-80% of the men interviewed wanted regular sex, regardless of how long they’d been in a relationship.(source)

13 One year in, ‘romantic love’ turns into ‘attachment love’, according to a study. 

Researchers have found that increased levels of proteins – known as nerve growth factors (NGF) – at the start of a relationship are responsible for feelings of euphoria and dependence on your partner. This is the phase of ‘romantic love’.

Further, they discovered that the levels of NGF in people receded to normal levels, once their relationship was past the one-year mark. Cue ‘attachment love’.(source)

So long, honeymoon period!

14 Each day, there are about 3 million first dates, worldwide. 

And the thrilling, one-in-a-million possibility that you’re sitting opposite the love of your life.(source)

15 ‘LOL’ used to mean ‘Lots of Love’ before the Internet ruined us. 

Don’t hate on your mom’s texting because this used to be a perfectly acceptable acronym to use.(source)

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Picture 15 Facts About Love You Shouldn’t Miss, If You Have Ever Been In Love!
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