Nature’s 3D Printers: Using 80,000 Honeybees to Create An Amazing Sculpture

by Unbelievable Facts10 years ago
Picture Nature’s 3D Printers: Using 80,000 Honeybees to Create An Amazing Sculpture

Just like the incredible honeycomb vessels of Tomáš Libertíny the artist, Dewar’s has invented a fascinating way to celebrate their new Highlander Honey Whiskey. They have teamed up with the Sid Lee Creative Studio and The Ebeling Group on a project they are calling ‘3B printing’.

3B printing
Image Credit: The Ebeling Group (taken from)

In a clear bottle shaped vessel, they placed 80,000 highlander honey bees that used the vessel to create a bottle shaped honeycomb. A starter blueprint was given to the bees where they could gather pollen and nectar as they would if they in their natural habitat. The bees got busy making the honey, a key ingredient in Dewar’s new product.

3B printing project
Image Source:

They removed the outer plastic layer after the bottle shaped honeycomb was completed, to reveal the highlanders’ 3B bottle. The process sounds unbelievable, so check out the video below and see how they did it.

'3B printing' sculptures making process
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'3B printing' sculptures making process
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'3B printing' sculptures making process
Image Credit: The Ebeling Group (taken from)
'3B printing' sculptures
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Picture Nature’s 3D Printers: Using 80,000 Honeybees to Create An Amazing Sculpture
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