21 Mind-Warping Time Comparison Facts That Show Just How Rapidly We Are Evolving

by Tony Hayes9 years ago

8 We take as many photos in two minutes as all of humanity during the 1800’s. 

old selfie
Image source: nypost.com

It is estimated that around 2.5 billion people the world over have a digital camera. With this statistic, if everyone snaps on average 150 photos a year, that would be 375 billion photos. In fact, around 10% of all photos ever taken have been in the last year alone. (source)

9 There is a preserved body of a princess that is 2,500 years old and still has tattoos visible.

old tattoos
Image source: www.dailymail.co.uk

The tattoos belong to a Siberian princess by the name of “Ukok” who died at the young age of 25. Her tattoos include a deer with a griffon’s beak and a capricorn’s antlers.(source)

10 There was once an elephant-sized sloth weighing 4 tons that stood 6 meters (20 feet) high. It went extinct only 10,000 years ago.

Elephant-sized sloth
Image source: www.mnn.com

11The same year people were travelling the Oregon trail, the fax machine was invented.

Fax Machine
Image source: www.faxpipe.com

The first fax machine was invented by a Scottish mechanic by the name of Alexander Bain in 1843. The model used a combination of synchronized pendulums, electric probes and electrochemically sensitive paper to scan documents, and then reproduce that information through a series of wires. The “Great Migration” started the same year, which puts it into perspective how far ahead of it’s time the machine was. (source)


12 People have played Call of Duty for longer than the course of human existence – a total of 25 billion hours (2.85 million years) of total gameplay.

Call of Duty
Image source: giphy

13 Research has shown that up to 50% in a glass of water was created over 4.5 billion years ago. This means that the Earth’s water is older than the solar system!

Water History
Image courtesy: Bill Saxton, NSF/AUI/NRAO(source)

14 Ever heard the expression “older than sliced bread”? Well, Betty White was born in 1922, and sliced bread was introduced in 1928, making her older than sliced bread.

Betty White older than bread
Image source

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Picture 21 Mind-Warping Time Comparison Facts That Show Just How Rapidly We Are Evolving
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