Are We Alone? Top 10 UFO Sightings That Make You Wonder

by Saikatunb8 years ago

5 Cash-Landrum UFO Incident

Cash-Landrum UFO Incident
Image source:

The Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming has witnessed several alleged UFO sightings since 1965. However, in a famous 1976 incident, retired Minuteman missile launch officer Bruce Fenstermacher saw a 60-foot bright cigar-shaped craft flashing red and blue lights.

As the Military and Police personnel gathered to catch a glimpse of this strange object, it disappeared from its spot. The craft appeared again at a different spot, and the Police had problems with their cars every time they tried to get close to the site. After two hours, the craft vanished at blinding speed, and left a bright white speck. Several witnesses agreed on the seeing this, but it was never included in any official report.

F.E. Warren Air Force Base had several bizarre problems as recently as October 23rd, 2010 when it temporarily lost connectivity with 50 of its Minuteman-III nuclear missiles. The five Missile Alert Facilities that held the power to launch those ICBMs in time of war would have been unable to do so at the time of the disruption.

UFO researcher Robert Hastings said that accounts from over 120 former or retired U.S. military personnel point at, “ongoing and sometimes alarming presence at nuclear weapons sites.”(source)

4 Warren Air Force Base UFO

The Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming has witnessed several alleged UFO sightings since 1965. However, in a famous 1976 incident, retired Minuteman missile launch officer Bruce Fenstermacher saw a 60-foot bright cigar-shaped craft flashing red and blue lights.

As the Military and Police personnel gathered to catch a glimpse of this strange object, it disappeared from its spot. The craft appeared again at a different spot, and the Police had problems with their cars every time they tried to get close to the site. After two hours, the craft vanished at blinding speed and left a bright white speck. Several witnesses agreed on seeing this, but it was never included in any official report.

F.E. Warren Air Force Base had several bizarre problems as recently as October 23rd, 2010 when it temporarily lost connectivity with 50 of its Minuteman-III nuclear missiles. The five Missile Alert Facilities that held the power to launch those ICBMs in time of war would have been unable to do so at the time of the disruption.

Warren Air Force Base UFO
Image source

UFO researcher Robert Hastings said that accounts from over 120 former or retired U.S. military personnel point at, “ongoing and sometimes alarming presence at nuclear weapons sites.” (source)

3 Trans-en-Provence Case

Trans-en-Provence Case
Image source: Jean-Jacques Velasco of GEPAN.(source)

The Trans-en-Provence case is one of the rarest of rare cases where a UFO sighting has actually left physical evidence. On 8th January, 1981 at around 5 pm, fifty-five-year-old farmer Renato Nicolai heard a whistling sound while working on his field. He then saw a saucer-shaped object about eight feet in diameter land about 50 yards away.

According to him, “The device had the shape of two saucers, one inverted on top of the other. It must have measured about 1.5 meters in height. It was the color of lead. This device had a ridge all the way around its circumference. Under the machine I saw two kinds of pieces as it was lifting off. They could be reactors or feet. There were also two other circles which looked like trapdoors. The two reactors, or feet, extended about 20 cm below the body of the machine.”

When the object lifted off the ground, it apparently left burn marks on the ground.

Mr. Nicolaï initially dismissed the object as an experimental military device. The nearby Canjuers military base makes this option seem like a possibility. However, GEPAN launched a two years long investigation, and no plausible explanation was found.

The French départment of Var described this case as ‘the most completely and carefully documented sighting of all time’.(source)


2 The Westall UFO

One among few of Australia’s unsolved UFO sightings, this incident from Melbourne saw people claiming they saw a disc-shaped craft.

At around 11 am on April 6th, 1966, a teacher and a class of students from Westall High School were busy playing sports when they saw a giant silver saucer-shaped craft with a purple hue. It was apparently twice the size of a family car.

Westall UFO
illustrates the witnesses accounts of a Westall UFO sighting. image source:

Witnesses claim it descended behind some trees into a paddock at The Grange in front of the school. After around 20 minutes it took off, right in front of the watchful eyes of 200 witnesses who saw it in broad daylight. Some even describe it as being pursued by five unidentified aircraft which circled it.

The nearest airport reported no flying private planes, and neither did the military. (source)

1 Lonnie Zamora incident

At about 5:50 pm on April 24, 1964, several witnesses in different parts of Socorro, New Mexico, reported different UFO sightings of the same event. However, Lonnie Zamora, an on-duty New Mexico State police officer came closest to the object. He offered the most comprehensive account.

According to Zamora, he heard a ‘loud roar’ as flames shot from underneath the object as it was rising. The flame was apparently light blue and at was orange at the bottom. There was no smoke, only some dust in the ‘immediate area’.

He described the object as, “Oval in shape … smooth — no windows or doors … Noted red lettering of some type. Insignia was about 2½’ high and about 2′ wide I guess. Was in middle of object … Object still like aluminum-white.” He also noted that the object was still on the ground when the roar started.

Lonnie Zamora incident
Image source:

Some physical evidence in the form of burned vegetation and soil, ground landing impressions, and metal scrapings were found and analyzed. However, even after an extensive investigation, the Air Force’s Project Blue Book was unable to come up with an explanation and listed the case as ‘unknown’.

In a secret report presented to the CIA, Project Blue Book’s Director, Major Hector Quintanilla said, “…There is also no question about Zamora’s reliability. He is a serious police officer, a pillar of his church, and a man well versed in recognizing airborne vehicles in his area. He is puzzled by what he saw and frankly, so are we.”(source)

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Picture Are We Alone? Top 10 UFO Sightings That Make You Wonder
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