24 Fun Facts About The Movie ‘DeadPool’ That Every Fan Must Know!

by Unbelievable Facts8 years ago

19 Deadpool described himself as “Ryan Reynolds crossed with a shar-pei” in a 2004 comic book series, leading Reynolds to believe he was destined for the role.

"Ryan Reynolds crossed with a shar-pei"
Image source: moviepilot.com

When Ryan Reynolds was shooting for ‘Blade Trinity’in 2004, he was playing a character that was slightly similar to Wade Wilson and Deadpool. An executive from rival studio approached him and said:

“I saw a little piece of ‘Blade’, and, you know, you’re Wade Wilson, you’re Deadpool”.

Reynolds who was not into comics was unaware about Deadpool until he received few Deadpool comics from the executive guy. Ryan said:

So he sent me over all these comics, and I’m not a big comic-book guy, but I really gravitated toward Deadpool. I fell in love with Deadpool. The first issue I opened up, I’m not making this up, I was on he panel. Like in the comic, it said Deadpool was saying “I look like a cross between Ryan Reynolds and a shar-pei.” And I was thinking, Jesus, this is f***ing destiny.

So, Deadpool is the one that chose Ryan Reynalds to play… Deadpool.

Image source: giphy

20 When Deadpool breaks his hand after attempting to punch Colossus, he exclaims, “Oh, Canada.” This is a reference to Wade Wilson’s (and Ryan Reynolds’) Canadian origin. “O Canada” is the national anthem of Canada.

O Canada scene Deadpool
Image source: giphy

21 Originally the script was to feature the mutant Garrison Kane, but he was removed from the story due to his VFX power being too unrealistic (his arms are artificial and stuffed with futuristic tech).

Mutant Garrison Kane
Image source: comicbook.com

22 Director Tim Miller fell in love with the song “Mera joota hai Japani”  (from an Indian movie, Shree 420) when he heard it at a New Zealand pub. During the filming of Deadpool (2016), he thought of using the same Indian song that he had heard in the pub, long ago.



23 Ryan Reynolds has said that Deadpool will be the last comic book character he will ever portray. However, he is open to Deadpool sequels and/or cameos.

Deadpool sequels
Image source: giphy

24 On Halloween, Ryan Reynolds dressed up as Deadpool. Footage of this can be seen on YouTube and is included in the special features section on the Blu-Ray copy of the movie.

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Picture 24 Fun Facts About The Movie ‘DeadPool’ That Every Fan Must Know!
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