21 Extremely Bizarre Facts About Animals That will Make You Say WTF

by Unbelievable Facts8 years ago

5 Pigs can ejaculate for up to a surprising 6 to 30 minutes continuously. 

Pigs Can Orgasm for 30 Minutes
Image Source: friendseat

Though it is not clearly known how pigs would perform during a real mating experience with a female, it was observed their intercourse usually lasts for anywhere between 5 to 20 minutes. Some studies conducted in 2001 have tried giving some boars “a hand” with surprising results. The pigs, however, are bound to turn very angry if they are let go before their complete ejaculation is done.(source)


4 Dead whales that wash up to the beach can bloat so large that the pressure can cause it to explode splattering all its innards out.

Bloated Whale on a Beach
Image Source: nationalgeographic

On Newfoundland’s beach a stranded blue whale was found dead. The tongue of this 50-feet long whale as seen in the image above was bloated to immense proportions.

When an animal dies the bacteria and enzymes inside and outside start doing their job of decomposing the body. The organs inside will be turned into gasses such as methane, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, starting with the stomach. The body starts to smell terrible and foul as the decomposition processes goes on. These gasses fill up the body stretching the skin and when the animals are as big as the whales that wash up to the shores after dying they make quite a bit of an explosion.(source)

Whales Bloating and Exploding
Image Source: giphy

The whale above washed up to Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic. As the local population wanted to have its skeleton exhibited in the museum, biologist Bjarni Mikkelsen took up the job of cutting and removing its flesh. What he didn’t anticipate was that the whale was bloated and when he made a cut on its stomach it exploded.

3 Hippopotamuses secrete an oily red liquid that acts as sunblock and moisturizer. Despite what most people think, they do not sweat blood.

Hippopotamus with Red Secretions
Image Source: greenarea

Hippos are a vastly water creatures. They love being water and stay in submerged in lakes for a long time, sometimes up to as long as 16 hours at a stretch.  Because their nostrils and eyes are located quite above their heads they don’t face any problems with breathing or watching for danger while relaxing in the water. The oil their skin secrets, apart from being the perfect sunscreen when basking in the sun, has also an added advantage of germ protection.(source)


2 Many animals, both domestic and otherwise, have been known to commit suicide and exhibit self-destructive behavior.

Bear Starved Itself to Death
Image Source: oddee

It is a common knowledge that when faced with a loss of their owner many dogs tend to get depressed. However, there have also been many instances in which they take it further, such as a Newfoundland dog that went into water to drown itself and would repeat it after being rescued. There are also other reasons such as parasites that infect grasshoppers and rats driving their host to self-destructive behavior. They eventually continue their life-cycle when the host is finally dead. Termites and pea aphids are known to kill themselves to kill the invaders in order to protect the others in their colony.(source)

1 Cuttlefish are capable of changing their skin color including a display of various patterns to hypnotize their prey.

Cuttlefish's Hypnosis
Image Source: giphy

Cuttlefish are known for their highly advanced ability to communicate visually, especially chromatic communication. They can display as many as 34 colors, various patterns including dynamic display of waves, zebra stripes and passing clouds. These patterns give a visual shock to the prey transfixing their gaze while the cuttlefish enjoys its meal. They also can change the texture of their skin from rough to smooth and can camouflage very effectively. Along with postural signals they use these abilities as a way to communicate among themselves as well.(source)

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Picture 21 Extremely Bizarre Facts About Animals That will Make You Say WTF
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