20 Weird and Interesting Facts about Thailand You Wouldn’t Want to Miss

by Unbelievable Facts8 years ago

16 The children of a tribe of sea nomads called Moken people can see clearly underwater because they spend a lot of time diving underwater for food that their eyes got accustomed to it.

Vision of Moken Children Underwater
Image Source: aquatic-human-ancestor.org, read.helpost

According to Anna Gislen of University of Lund in Sweden, the children could keep their eyes open when they are looking for clams, shells and sea cucumbers without any difficulty. The adults, however, she observed lost this ability as the lenses in our eyes become less flexible with age.(source)

17 It is common for people in Thailand to greet you with the question “have you eaten yet” rather than asking “how are you”.

Language of Thailand
Image Source: oneindia, gotajland

As a lot of Thailand culture was influenced by the Chinese who take eating and food seriously, people tend to ask you about food first. They are also very easy going when it comes to life using phrases that mean “it doesn’t matter” or “don’t worry” that show that they don’t believe in feeling down because of difficulties.(source)


18 In 1880 the queen of Thailand Sunandha Kumariratana drowned after her boat capsized even though there were many around because they were forbidden to touch her on pain of death.  

Sunandha Kumariratana
Image Source: datab.us, Wikimedia Commons

The queen had a daughter who also died during the incident. A memorial was erected in memory of her and her unborn child by the king Chulalongkorn. The queen was 19 when she died.(source)


19 Almost half the workers died while building the railway bridge over the River Kwai in Kanchanaburi. The town in the west of Thailand was under Japanese control at that time who used forced laborers and prisoners of war to build it.

Kanchanaburi Railway Bridge
Image Source: asiadaytrips

The deaths are commemorated by a memorial, two museums and films such as The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), Return from the River Kwai (1989) and The Railway Man (2013). The workers and prisoners died of accidents, disease and maltreatment.(source)

20 Thai cops who commit minor offences are punished with a bright pink Hello Kitty armband that they have to wear for several days.

Thailand Cops and Hello Kitty Armbands
Image Source: reuters, nowiknow

The armband is embroidered with a picture of Hello Kitty with two hearts. According to the officials the armband is meant to shame the officers who are late, park at wrong places or any other such minor offences. The officers are not allowed to tell other people why they are wearing it.(source)

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