15 Weird And Interesting Facts About Farts

by Unbelievable Facts7 years ago

9 The bacterial composition of fart is unique to an individual, just like our fingerprints. That’s why you aren’t bothered by your own but are nauseated by the farts of others.

Fart stink
Image Source: drchambersoncall.com

We all have noticed that often our own farts don’t bother us but when someone else’s gas reaches our nose, all hell breaks loose. The reason behind this is that the bacteria producing these smells in our body are completely different and unique from other individuals. So, our nose can recognize when it’s our own smell and when it is someone else’s. Also, it’s a psychological fact that the more familiar you are with something, whether it be a song, picture, or even a smell, the more likely you are to prefer it. So, we don’t feel nauseated by our own fart smell but are appalled by others. (source)

10 Scientists claim that holding in farts during flights is bad for your body and can affect the pilot’s ability to control the plane. The solution suggested is flatulence-absorbing blankets and seats.

Flight fart
Image Source: metro.co.uk

According to a study published in the New Zealand Medical Journal, high altitude air pressure dramatically adds to the build up of farts in our body. In such situation holding in the gas can cause problems in our body. The study also stated that in the pilot’s case it could affect his abilities to control the airplane. A team of British and Danish gastroenterologists recommends that passengers should release gas freely during the flight. During a flight, we sit in close proximity to others so scientists have recommended using flatulence-absorbing blankets and seats on flights. (source)

11 Farts can come out of the vagina during or after sex or exercise but these farts don’t have any specific odor associated with it.

Vagina fart
Image Source: broadly.vice.com

We usually associate farts with the rear end of our body. But in females fart expulsion may sometimes occur through their vagina. It usually occurs during or after sexual intercourse or exercise. In medical terms, it is called “vaginal flatulence”. The sound is somewhat comparable to farts produced from the anus. Usually, farts from vagina are odorless as it does not contain any waste gasses. If any strong odor is emitted along with vaginal gas then you should consult a specialist as it may be a result of the serious medical condition called colovaginal fistula. (source)


12 People who fart in front of their partner are more likely to have a lasting relationship.

Facts You Never Knew About Farts
Image Source: www.cosmopolitan.com

While the world is leaning towards couple therapy in order to sort out problems, farts actually hold the real key to a happy relationship. According to a new research couples who fart in front of each other without any inhibition are likely to have a long-lasting relationship. The author of the book Naked Parenting, Leah Decesare, has written a research paper confirming that trust and sincerity are the pillars of a lasting relationship and that includes farting in front of our partner.(source)

13 In the 18th century there existed a Farting Club which was founded in Cripplegate, London where members competed with each other to see who could produce the loudest and longest farts.

Fart club
Image Source: Twitter

As bizarre as it may sound, London used to have its own farting club in Cripplegate in the 18th century. The members of this club used to meet once a week for the sole purpose of out-farting one another. (1,2)


14 One of the so-called cures for the bubonic plague was to fart in a jar and smell it.

Image Source: Twitter

The Black Death, i.e. the bubonic plague, was the most feared disease in the Middle Ages. It was thought to be caused by deadly vapors. During this time some of the doctors believed that “like cures like” so according to them the effect of deadly bubonic plague vapors could be made ineffective by therapeutic stink, i.e. flatulence. People started storing jars of their own farts in their home and whenever the bubonic plague occurred in the neighborhood, they would take a whiff from the jar. (source)

15 Fart jokes have existed since at least 1900 BC. The world’s oldest recorded joke is a Sumerian quip about a woman farting in her husband’s lap.

Fart joke
Image Source: www.sitiodoperlim.com.br

Farts have always been a favorite topic for jokes. Even our ancestors shared the same sense of humor. The oldest known joke is a Sumerian proverb which dates back to 1900 BC. The joke goes, “Something which has never occurred since time immemorial: a young woman did not fart in her husband’s lap.”(source)

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Picture 15 Weird And Interesting Facts About Farts
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