21 Mind-Warping Time Comparison Facts That Show Just How Rapidly We Are Evolving

by Tony Hayes9 years ago

15 The Pyramids of Giza were built when wooly mammoths still existed. 

pyramids and mammoth
Image source

Research has shown that the wooly mammoth as a species died out around 1700 B.C. on Russia’s Wrangel Island. The Pyramids of Giza in Egypt were built around 4,000 years ago. (source)

16 Oxford University is at least 400 years older than the Aztec Empire.

Oxford University and aztec empire
Image source

17 If someone placed a mirror half a light year away from Earth and you looked at Earth through a telescope, you could see a year into the past.

Image source: lightyears.blogs.cnn.com

18 The last time the Sun was in its current position in the Milky Way, dinosaurs roamed the Earth. 

Image source: www.dailymail.co.uk

Astronomers have calculated that it takes 226 million years for the Sun to completely orbit around the center of the Milky Way. This means the Sun has only orbited 20.4 times since the Sun itself formed 4.6 billion years ago. (source)


19 The time difference between when the Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex lived is greater than the time difference between the Tyrannosaurus Rex and now.

T-Rex and Stegosaurus
Image source

The Stegosaurus went extinct 150 million years ago, while the Tyrannosaurus went extinct 65 million years ago. That’s a difference of 20 million years which is a staggering measure of time.

20 If Earth’s history was looked at in a period of 24 hours, life would have appeared at 4am, land plants at 10.24pm, dinosaur extinction at 11.41pm and human history would have started at 11.58pm (and 43 seconds).

Earth History In 24hrs
Image source: flowingdata.com

21 If the above facts haven’t entertained you, this is happening right now:

Image source: xkcd.com

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Picture 21 Mind-Warping Time Comparison Facts That Show Just How Rapidly We Are Evolving
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