15 Incredible Life-Saving Facts That Everyone Should Know!

by Aswathy Gopinath9 years ago

11 Scientists use Calvin Klein’s perfume – “Obsession for Men” – to count the population of wild cats such as cheetahs, tigers, and jaguars because these are attracted by the smell.

Calvin Klein's Obsession attract Cats
Image source

Scientists are not sure why, but all kinds of cats seem to be, well, obsessed with this scent: when scientists sprayed the perfume on a number of things, big cats seemed to be drawn inexplicably to them. The perfume is being used as an efficient means to calculate the feline population in reserves and natural parks.

So make sure you don’t use it while you’re on a safari: next thing you know, a wayward cheetah might become obsessed with you, taking it upon itself to never leave your side – something that does not necessarily have positive connotations.(source)

12 Bikers, cyclists, runners and pedestrians, listen up! Never, ever stop in a driver’s blind spot. Ever. 

Driver's blind spot
Image source: crimsonconcrete.unst.pdx.edu

Blind spots are the areas which cannot be seen through the driver’s rear-view and side-view mirrors. If you happen to be driving in the blind spot of a driver, you are at higher risk of being in an accident that you would be otherwise. It is also important to remember that different vehicles have different blind spots: keep this in mind while you drive to remain on the safer side.(source)

13 If someone is stabbed or punctured by a sharp object, leave it inside.

Image credit: Pixabay

Do not – absolutely do not – try to pull it out! Leave the object in until help arrives. Pulling it out will only double the damage: the object can considerably reduce and stop the flow of blood by exerting pressure on the injured area. The moment you pull it out, blood flow is likely to increase.(source)


14 If you’re stranded in water and you happen to be wearing jeans, take them off, holding them in front of you.

Knot the ends of the pant’s legs; zip them up; squeeze as much water as you can out of them; hold open the waist while you wave the pants over your head, filling them with air; knot up the waist really fast to trap as much air as you can in them; if you so wish, you can tie the knots with shoe-laces. You can now use this inflated jeans floatation device to float upon, and not have any fear of drowning.(source)

15 Canes (cattail) you see in swampy and water-logged areas have edible roots and can be eaten any time of the year. 

edible cattails roots
Image source: www.eattheweeds.com

Cattails contain high levels of manganese and other minerals, which can help sustain an individual. They contain high levels of starch, and all parts of the plant, starting from the root spurs to the stalks are edible. They are also very good sources of vitamins A, B, and C, and phosphorus and potassium.(source)

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Picture 15 Incredible Life-Saving Facts That Everyone Should Know!
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